October 22, 2014 Planning Board
Call to Order - Salute to Flag
Call to Order
Salute to Flag»
Item A1 - 13.022.1 Café Lena, 47 Phila Street, extension of site plan approval in a Transect-6 Urban Core District.
Item A1
13.022.1 Café Lena, 47 Phila Street, extension of site plan approval in a Transect-6 Urban Core District.»
Items A2 & A3 (Part 1 of 4) - 2. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, Maple and High Rock Avenues, SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) Urban Core District.
3. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, 522 Broadway, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Transect-6 SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) District.
Items A2 & A3 (Part 1 of 4)
2. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, Maple and High Rock Avenues, SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) Urban Core District.3. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, 522 Broadway, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Transect-6 SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) District.
Items A2 & A3 (Part 2 of 4) - 2. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, Maple and High Rock Avenues, SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) Urban Core District.
3. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, 522 Broadway, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Transect-6 SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) District.
Items A2 & A3 (Part 2 of 4)
2. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, Maple and High Rock Avenues, SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) Urban Core District.3. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, 522 Broadway, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Transect-6 SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) District.
Items A2 & A3 (Part 3 of 4) - 2. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, Maple and High Rock Avenues, SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) Urban Core District.
3. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, 522 Broadway, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Transect-6 SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) District.
Items A2 & A3 (Part 3 of 4)
2. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, Maple and High Rock Avenues, SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) Urban Core District.3. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, 522 Broadway, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Transect-6 SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) District.
Items A2 & A3 (Part 4 of 4) - 2. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, Maple and High Rock Avenues, SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) Urban Core District.
3. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, 522 Broadway, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Transect-6 SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) District.
Items A2 & A3 (Part 4 of 4)
2. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, Maple and High Rock Avenues, SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) Urban Core District.3. 14.038 City Center Parking Garage, 522 Broadway, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Transect-6 SEQRA environmental review for a parking facility within the Transect-6 (T-6) District.
Item A4 - 14.055 McIntyre Subdivision, 28-32 White Street, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Urban Residential-4 (UR-4) District.
Item A4
14.055 McIntyre Subdivision, 28-32 White Street, public hearing for a two-lot subdivision in the Urban Residential-4 (UR-4) District.»
Item B - Approval of Minutes: September 23, 2013; October 10, 2014 Planning Board meetings.
Item B
Approval of Minutes: September 23, 2013; October 10, 2014 Planning Board meetings.© 2025 Swagit Productions, LLC