July 30, 2020 Planning Board
Call to Order - Salute to the Flag
Call to Order
Salute to the Flag»
Item C1 - APPLICATIONS UNDER CONSIDERATION - Note: agenda item discussion will not begin past 10:00pm
APP. #17.061 STATION LANE APARTMENTS (ASKEW), Station Lane, approval extension for a
previously issued special use permit for up to 29 multi-family residential units in the
Transect – 5 (T-5) Neighborhood Center District.
Item C1
APPLICATIONS UNDER CONSIDERATION - Note: agenda item discussion will not begin past 10:00pmAPP. #17.061 STATION LANE APARTMENTS (ASKEW), Station Lane, approval extension for a
previously issued special use permit for up to 29 multi-family residential units in the
Transect – 5 (T-5) Neighborhood Center District.
Item C3 - APP. #20200205 KAYDEROSS AVENUE EAST SUBDIVISION, 227 Kaydeross Ave. East, preliminary plat
review for a proposed 15-lot conservation subdivision in the Rural Residential (RR) District.
Item C3
APP. #20200205 KAYDEROSS AVENUE EAST SUBDIVISION, 227 Kaydeross Ave. East, preliminary platreview for a proposed 15-lot conservation subdivision in the Rural Residential (RR) District.
Item C4 - ZBA APP. #20200208 STEWART’S SHOP REDEVELOPMENT, 402 Lake Ave, coordinated SEQRA
review for the redevelopment/expansion of this facility for a 4,130 sq.ft. convenience store
with two self-serve gasoline canopies in the Rural Residential (RR) District.
Item C4
ZBA APP. #20200208 STEWART’S SHOP REDEVELOPMENT, 402 Lake Ave, coordinated SEQRAreview for the redevelopment/expansion of this facility for a 4,130 sq.ft. convenience store
with two self-serve gasoline canopies in the Rural Residential (RR) District.
Item A
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