June 15, 2021 City Council
Public Hearingss - 06:55 PM P.H. - Amend Chapter 225 - Time Limit Parking on
High Rock Avenue
Public Hearingss
06:55 PM P.H. - Amend Chapter 225 - Time Limit Parking onHigh Rock Avenue
Call to Order - CALL TO ORDER
Call to Order
Consent Agenda - 1. Approval of 5/17/2021 Pre-Agenda Meeting Transcript
2. Approval of 5/18/2021 City Council Meeting Transcript
3. Approval of 6/1/2021 Pre-Agenda Meeting Minutes
4. Approve Budget Transfers - Capital
5. Approve Budget Transfers - Regular
6. Approve Budget Amendments - Regular (Increases)
7. Approve Payroll 06/04/15 $611,585.83
8. Approve Payroll 06/11/15 $380,924.61
9. Approve Warrant - 2021 21JUN2 $533,672.19
10. Approve Warrant - 2021 21MWJUN1 $7,068,095.87
Consent Agenda
1. Approval of 5/17/2021 Pre-Agenda Meeting Transcript2. Approval of 5/18/2021 City Council Meeting Transcript
3. Approval of 6/1/2021 Pre-Agenda Meeting Minutes
4. Approve Budget Transfers - Capital
5. Approve Budget Transfers - Regular
6. Approve Budget Amendments - Regular (Increases)
7. Approve Payroll 06/04/15 $611,585.83
8. Approve Payroll 06/11/15 $380,924.61
9. Approve Warrant - 2021 21JUN2 $533,672.19
10. Approve Warrant - 2021 21MWJUN1 $7,068,095.87
Mayor's Department - 1. Appointment: Acting City Historian
2. Appointments: Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee
3. Appointment: Complete Streets Advisory Board
4. Appointment: Planning Board
5. Discussion and Vote: Resolution Declaring Stonequist Apartments Rehabilitation and Modernization Project SEQRA Type II Action.
6. Discussion and Vote: Approval for Mayor to Sign Addendum to Agreement with the Saratoga Convention and Tourism Bureau
7. Discussion and Vote: Internship Agreement
8. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Agreement with Saratoga Tents & Events for Camp Saradac
9. Discussion and Vote: Authorization to Pay Deposit to Jumping Bean Party Rental for Camp Saradac
10. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Execute MOA with Unions Regarding Juneteenth
11. Discussion and Vote: Approval for the Mayor to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement to Reimburse Employee #2479 in the Amount of $3,500.00
12. Announcement: Roof Permitting Procedure and Fee Change
13. Announcement: Rejoice the Vote Awards City of Saratoga Springs-Votingest Small City Award
14. Announcement: Missing Sidewalk Links Open House
Mayor's Department
1. Appointment: Acting City Historian2. Appointments: Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee
3. Appointment: Complete Streets Advisory Board
4. Appointment: Planning Board
5. Discussion and Vote: Resolution Declaring Stonequist Apartments Rehabilitation and Modernization Project SEQRA Type II Action.
6. Discussion and Vote: Approval for Mayor to Sign Addendum to Agreement with the Saratoga Convention and Tourism Bureau
7. Discussion and Vote: Internship Agreement
8. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Agreement with Saratoga Tents & Events for Camp Saradac
9. Discussion and Vote: Authorization to Pay Deposit to Jumping Bean Party Rental for Camp Saradac
10. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Execute MOA with Unions Regarding Juneteenth
11. Discussion and Vote: Approval for the Mayor to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement to Reimburse Employee #2479 in the Amount of $3,500.00
12. Announcement: Roof Permitting Procedure and Fee Change
13. Announcement: Rejoice the Vote Awards City of Saratoga Springs-Votingest Small City Award
14. Announcement: Missing Sidewalk Links Open House
Accounts Department - 1. Award of Bid: Construction Services For The Raw Water Intake Valve Replacement Program to Jersen Construction Group
2. Award of Bid: Electrical Services for the Raw Water Intake Valve Replacement Program to Brunswick Electric Inc.
3. Announcement: Grievance Day Update
Accounts Department
1. Award of Bid: Construction Services For The Raw Water Intake Valve Replacement Program to Jersen Construction Group2. Award of Bid: Electrical Services for the Raw Water Intake Valve Replacement Program to Brunswick Electric Inc.
3. Announcement: Grievance Day Update
Finance Department - 1. Announcement: Bond Sale
2. Update: Tax Anticipation Note (TAN)
3. Appointment: Arts Commission
4. Discussion and Vote: 2021 Mid-Year Budget Recommended Amendments
5. Discussion and Vote: Assignment for Recycling Bin Program
6. Discussion and Vote: Updated Timesheet and Payroll Preparation and Distribution Policy of the FPPM
7. Discussion and Vote: Tait Lane PILOT Resolution and Agreement
8. Discussion and Vote: Update City Fees - Building Department
9. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Quadient for Folder/Inserter
10. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with ePlus Technology, Inc to Provide Third-Party IT related Hardware, Peripherals, Software, Maintenance,
Support, etc.
11. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Saratoga Springs Housing Authority (SSHA) for use of SSHA as a location for
the Saratoga Springs Smart Cities Innovation Partnership Logistics Project
12. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Saratoga Springs Public Library (SSPL) for use of SSPL as a location for the
Saratoga Springs Smart Cities Innovation Partnership Logistics Project
13. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with New York State Technology Enterprise (NYSTEC) for Project Management for the Saratoga Springs Smart
Cities Innovation Partnership Logistics Project
14. Budget Transfers - Benefits
15. Budget Amendments - Payroll
Finance Department
1. Announcement: Bond Sale2. Update: Tax Anticipation Note (TAN)
3. Appointment: Arts Commission
4. Discussion and Vote: 2021 Mid-Year Budget Recommended Amendments
5. Discussion and Vote: Assignment for Recycling Bin Program
6. Discussion and Vote: Updated Timesheet and Payroll Preparation and Distribution Policy of the FPPM
7. Discussion and Vote: Tait Lane PILOT Resolution and Agreement
8. Discussion and Vote: Update City Fees - Building Department
9. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Quadient for Folder/Inserter
10. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with ePlus Technology, Inc to Provide Third-Party IT related Hardware, Peripherals, Software, Maintenance,
Support, etc.
11. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Saratoga Springs Housing Authority (SSHA) for use of SSHA as a location for
the Saratoga Springs Smart Cities Innovation Partnership Logistics Project
12. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Saratoga Springs Public Library (SSPL) for use of SSPL as a location for the
Saratoga Springs Smart Cities Innovation Partnership Logistics Project
13. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with New York State Technology Enterprise (NYSTEC) for Project Management for the Saratoga Springs Smart
Cities Innovation Partnership Logistics Project
14. Budget Transfers - Benefits
15. Budget Amendments - Payroll
Public Works Department - 1. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Jersen Construction for General Construction on Water Intake Project
2. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Brunswick Electrical Component for Water Intake Project
Public Works Department
1. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Jersen Construction for General Construction on Water Intake Project2. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Brunswick Electrical Component for Water Intake Project
Public Safety Department - 1. Discussion and Vote: Amend Chapter 225, Sections 225-87 of the City Code, entitled Vehicle & Traffic - schedule XXII Time Limit Parking
2. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to sign contract with Stilsing Electric
3. Set Public Hearing: Amend Chapters 180 and 217 of the City Code
4. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to sign contract with McKesson Medical-Surgical Government Solutions LLC
Public Safety Department
1. Discussion and Vote: Amend Chapter 225, Sections 225-87 of the City Code, entitled Vehicle & Traffic - schedule XXII Time Limit Parking2. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to sign contract with Stilsing Electric
3. Set Public Hearing: Amend Chapters 180 and 217 of the City Code
4. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to sign contract with McKesson Medical-Surgical Government Solutions LLC
Supervisors - 1. Matthew Veitch
1. Buildings & Grounds Committee Update
2. Government Review & Efficiency Update
3. Saratoga County Law Library Board of Trustees Update
2. Tara Gaston
1. Public Health Update
2. Women in Government Leadership Program
3. ARPA Funding Survey
4. June Board of Supervisors Meeting
1. Matthew Veitch1. Buildings & Grounds Committee Update
2. Government Review & Efficiency Update
3. Saratoga County Law Library Board of Trustees Update
2. Tara Gaston
1. Public Health Update
2. Women in Government Leadership Program
3. ARPA Funding Survey
4. June Board of Supervisors Meeting
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