May 28, 2020 Planning Board
Call to Order - Salute to the Flag
Call to Order
Salute to the Flag»
Item C6 - APP. #20191216 LOUDEN ROAD SUBDIVISION, 406 Louden Rd., preliminary subdivision
review for a proposed five-lot conservation subdivision within a Rural Residential (RR)
Item C6
APP. #20191216 LOUDEN ROAD SUBDIVISION, 406 Louden Rd., preliminary subdivisionreview for a proposed five-lot conservation subdivision within a Rural Residential (RR)
Items C2 & C3 - 2. APP. #20200188 CHOW BELLA, 50 West Ave., special use permit for reuse of an existing
building for dog-related retail sales and services in the Transect-5 (T-5)
Neighborhood Center District.
3. APP. #20200187 CHOW BELLA, 50 West Ave., site plan review for reuse of an existing
building and site for dog-related retail sales and services in the Transect-5 (T-5)
Neighbor Center District.
Items C2 & C3
2. APP. #20200188 CHOW BELLA, 50 West Ave., special use permit for reuse of an existingbuilding for dog-related retail sales and services in the Transect-5 (T-5)
Neighborhood Center District.
3. APP. #20200187 CHOW BELLA, 50 West Ave., site plan review for reuse of an existing
building and site for dog-related retail sales and services in the Transect-5 (T-5)
Neighbor Center District.
Item C4 - APP.# 20200177 DICENZO AUTO USES, 254 Washington St., special use permit for
automotive sales, motor vehicle repair, car rental agency, and office uses in the
Transect-5 (T-5) Neighborhood Center District.
Item C4
APP.# 20200177 DICENZO AUTO USES, 254 Washington St., special use permit forautomotive sales, motor vehicle repair, car rental agency, and office uses in the
Transect-5 (T-5) Neighborhood Center District.
Item C5 - APP.# 20200229 VERIZON WIRELESS, 233 Lake Avenue, special use permit for a new
telecommunications facility to be located on an existing structure in the Urban
Residential – 1 (UR-1) District.
Item C5
APP.# 20200229 VERIZON WIRELESS, 233 Lake Avenue, special use permit for a newtelecommunications facility to be located on an existing structure in the Urban
Residential – 1 (UR-1) District.
Item A
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