May 14, 2020 Planning Board
Call to Order - Salute to the Flag
Call to Order
Salute to the Flag»
Item C1 - APP. #20200155 GUARINO/HANERSUBDIVISION, 21 Park Pl., final subdivision review of a
proposed two-lot residential subdivision in the Urban Residential – 4 (UR-4) District.
Item C1
APP. #20200155 GUARINO/HANERSUBDIVISION, 21 Park Pl., final subdivision review of aproposed two-lot residential subdivision in the Urban Residential – 4 (UR-4) District.
Item C2 - APP. #20190604 THE CLUETT HOUSE BED AND BREAKFAST, 2 Clement Ave.,
permanent special use permit for a neighborhood bed and breakfast within an Urban
Residential – 1 (UR-1) District.
Item C2
APP. #20190604 THE CLUETT HOUSE BED AND BREAKFAST, 2 Clement Ave.,permanent special use permit for a neighborhood bed and breakfast within an Urban
Residential – 1 (UR-1) District.
Items C3 & C4 - 3. APP. #20200188 CHOW BELLA, 50 West Ave., special use permit for reuse of an existing
building for dog-related retail sales and services in the Transect-5 (T-5)
4. APP. #20200187 CHOW BELLA, 50 West Ave., site plan review for reuse of an existing
building and site for dog-related retail sales and services in the Transect-5 (T-5)
Neighbor Center District.
Items C3 & C4
3. APP. #20200188 CHOW BELLA, 50 West Ave., special use permit for reuse of an existingbuilding for dog-related retail sales and services in the Transect-5 (T-5)
4. APP. #20200187 CHOW BELLA, 50 West Ave., site plan review for reuse of an existing
building and site for dog-related retail sales and services in the Transect-5 (T-5)
Neighbor Center District.
Item C5 - ZBA APP. #20200208 STEWART’S SHOP REDEVELOPMENT, 402 Lake Ave, consideration of
SEQRA Lead Agency (area variances) for the redevelopment/expansion of this facility
for a 4,130 sq.ft. convenience store with two self-serve gasoline canopies in the
Rural Residential (RR) District.
Item C5
ZBA APP. #20200208 STEWART’S SHOP REDEVELOPMENT, 402 Lake Ave, consideration ofSEQRA Lead Agency (area variances) for the redevelopment/expansion of this facility
for a 4,130 sq.ft. convenience store with two self-serve gasoline canopies in the
Rural Residential (RR) District.
Item A