January 14, 2015 Planning Board
Call to Order - Salute to Flag
Call to Order
Salute to Flag»
Item A1 - 14.070 77 Excelsior Avenue Land Disturbance, 77 Excelsior Ave, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan review for tree clearing and soil export in the Transect-5 (T-5) District.
Item A1
14.070 77 Excelsior Avenue Land Disturbance, 77 Excelsior Ave, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan review for tree clearing and soil export in the Transect-5 (T-5) District.»
Item A2 - 14.059 77 Excelsior Mixed Use Development, 77 Excelsior Avenue, Special Use permit for commercial and residential uses in a Transect-5 (T-5) District.
Item A2
14.059 77 Excelsior Mixed Use Development, 77 Excelsior Avenue, Special Use permit for commercial and residential uses in a Transect-5 (T-5) District.»
Item A3 - 14.069 130 Excelsior Mixed Use, 130 Excelsior Ave, special use permit for mixed use development in the Transect-5 (T5) District.
Item A3
14.069 130 Excelsior Mixed Use, 130 Excelsior Ave, special use permit for mixed use development in the Transect-5 (T5) District.»
Item A5 - 14.067 Stone Property, 68 Weibel Avenue, Consideration of SEQRA lead agency and SEQR review.
Item A5
14.067 Stone Property, 68 Weibel Avenue, Consideration of SEQRA lead agency and SEQR review.»
Item A4 - 14.066 Verizon Cell Tower, 2201 Route 50, Site plan review for a tele-communications facility in a Highway General Business (HGB) District.
Item A4
14.066 Verizon Cell Tower, 2201 Route 50, Site plan review for a tele-communications facility in a Highway General Business (HGB) District.»
Item A6 - 14.071 Family Vision Center, 205 Lake Ave, Site Plan review for medical office in the Urban Residential-3 (UR-3) District.
Item A6
14.071 Family Vision Center, 205 Lake Ave, Site Plan review for medical office in the Urban Residential-3 (UR-3) District.»
Item A7 - 14.073 Agrochem Building Addition, 3 Grande Blvd., Sketch Plan review for warehouse development in the Industrial General (IND-G) District.
Item A7
14.073 Agrochem Building Addition, 3 Grande Blvd., Sketch Plan review for warehouse development in the Industrial General (IND-G) District.»
Item B - Approval of Minutes: December 10, 2014 Planning Board meeting.
Item B
Approval of Minutes: December 10, 2014 Planning Board meeting.© 2025 Swagit Productions, LLC