43 Ash street, area variance to expand a parking area for an existing multi-family residence; seeking relief from the minimum rear yard setback to parking in the Urban Residential – 3 District.
Lot 7 Shaw Drive (178.52-1-22), area variance to construct a new single-family residence; seeking relief from the maximum principal building coverage in the Urban Residential – 2 District.
63 Ash Street, area variance for constructed changes to a previously approved area variance for construction of a garage with dwelling unit; seeking additional relief from the minimum total side yard setback and maximum principal building coverage (two structures combined) requirements in the Urban Residential – 3 District.
550 Union Avenue, area variance for construction of eating and drinking establishment, marina and docks and tourist accommodations; seeking relief from the minimum front yard setback for expanded board shop, minimum front yard setback for two inn buildings, maximum principal building coverage for the inn buildings combined, and minimum site to remain permeable in the Water Related Business and Rural Residential Districts.
4 Nelson Avenue, area variance to construct additions to an existing single-family residence and a detached garage; seeking relief from the minimum front yard and minimum total side yard setbacks for the master suite addition, minimum front yard setback for the front porch, minimum rear yard setback for the mudroom addition and minimum rear and side yard setbacks for the detached garage in the Rural Residential District.
34 Stafford Bridge Road, area variance to construct additions to an existing single-family residence and a detached garage; seeking relief from the minimum rear yard setback for the existing deck and master suite addition and minimum front yard setback for the garage in the Urban Residential – 3 District.
112 South Broadway, area variance for proposed signage; seeking relief from the maximum size for a freestanding sign, maximum height of logo for two logos on the freestanding sign, maximum height, size and logo placement on two directional signs in the Transect – 5 District.
315 Church Street, area variance for proposed signage; seeking relief from the maximum size for a freestanding sign, maximum number of wall signs, maximum height, size and logo placement on two directional signs, and to permit three logos on the kiosk in the Transect – 5 District.
33 Marion Avenue, area variance for proposed signage; seeking relief from the maximum number of freestanding signs and maximum size for freestanding signs in the Tourist Related Business District.
62 Van Dam, area variance to construct an addition to an existing single-family residence; seeking relief from the minimum side yard (each side), minimum total side yard setback and maximum principal building coverage requirements in the Urban Residential – 3 District.
139 Grand Avenue, area variance associated with a proposed two-lot residential subdivision; seeking relief from the minimum lot size for lot 1 and minimum lot width and minimum lot area for lot 2 in the Urban Residential – 3 District.
77 Van Dam, modification of previously approved use and area variances for an existing mixed-use (office and residential) building to all residential (25 total units) in the Urban Residential – 3 District.
79 Lake Avenue, area variance to construct an addition to an existing three-family residence; seeking relief from the minimum lot size per dwelling unit for a proposed fourth unit, minimum side yard (each side), minimum total side yard setback and maximum principal building coverage requirements for the addition; and minimum side (each side), minimum total side yard and minimum rear yard setback to parking in the Urban Residential – 3 District.
166 Lincoln Avenue, area variance to construct a new single-family residence; seeking relief from the minimum average lot width and minimum lot size requirement for a second single-family residence, to permit more than one principal building on a lot and minimum rear yard setback requirements in the Urban Residential – 2 District.
59 Franklin Street, area variance associated with a two-lot subdivision; seeking relief from the minimum average lot width for the proposed lot and minimum side yard setback to parking in the Urban Residential – 4 District.
Washington Street and Station Lane, area variance for a proposed multi-use development containing a 110 room hotel, 88 senior housing units, 41 assisted living units, 90 townhouses, and 28,060 sq. ft. of retail; seeking relief from the frontage build-to and build-out, minimum two-story and maximum building height requirements in the Transect-5 district.
Approval of Draft Meeting Minutes: May 21 and June 11
Next ZBA Meeting:July 23
Note:This agenda is subject to change up until the time of meeting.Updates will be reflected here as they arise. Check posted agenda here to verify the actual agenda prior to the meeting.