Zoning Board Meeting 6:30 PM – Monday, May 6, 2019 NOTE LOCATION CHANGE
RECREATION CENTER – 15 Vanderbilt Ave.
draft Agenda
RECREATION CENTER – 15 Vanderbilt Ave.
223 Maple Avenue, area variance associated with a proposed two-lot subdivision; seeking relief from the minimum average lot width and minimum lot size requirements for proposed lot 2 in the Urban Residential – 2 District.
Tomahawk Lane (Arrowhead Road rear), Initiation of Coordinated SEQRA Review and consideration of Lead Agency status for an area variance associated with a proposed three-lot subdivision; seeking relief from the minimum average lot width for two of the proposed lots, minimum rear yard setback on proposed lot 1, and minimum front and rear yard setbacks on proposed lot 2 in the Suburban Residential – 2 District.
59 Franklin Street, area variance associated with a two-lot subdivision; seeking relief from the minimum average lot width for the proposed lot and minimum side yard setback to parking in the Urban Residential–4 District.
663 Crescent Avenue, area variance associated with a proposed two-lot subdivision; seeking relief from the minimum average lot width and minimum lot size requirements for the Rural Residential District.
40 Second Street, area variance to permit a dwelling unit as constructed in an accessory structure; seeking relief from the minimum side yard and rear yard setbacks, maximum principal building coverage, maximum number of principal buildings on a lot and minimum lot size requirements in the Urban Residential – 2 District.
148 Woodlawn Avenue, area variance for an addition to an existing single-family dwelling and construction of a carport addition to the existing carriage house; seeking relief from the minimum side yard, total side yard and rear yard setbacks and maximum principal building coverage requirements in the Urban Residential – 3 District.
704 North Broadway, area variance to convert an existing detached garage to a guest house and construction of a pool cabana; seeking relief from the minimum front and side yard setback and to permit more than one principal building on a lot for the guest house and to permit finished space in an accessory structure for the pool cabana in the Urban Residential – 1 District.
Washington Street and Station Lane, area variance for a proposed multi-use development containing a 110 room hotel, 88 senior housing units, 41 assisted living units, 90 townhouses, and 28,060 sq. ft. of retail; seeking relief from the frontage build-to and build-out, minimum two-story and maximum building height requirements in the Transect-5 District.
Workshop to discuss any and all pending applications: May 13, 6:00 PM
Meeting: May 20, 6:30 PM
Meeting: June 3, 6:30 PM
Public workshops lead by Camiros, Ltd. on the Technical Review Report:
Applicant presentations to the Board will be limited to 15 minutes.
Public comments from the audience during public hearings will be limited to 3 minutes.
All speakers will be timed to ensure compliance.
Individuals may not donate their allotted time to other speakers.
Please be respectful to the speakers while they're addressing the Board.
Comments to the Board should relate specifically to the application under consideration and the review criteria.
All written comments will be distributed to the Board and made part of the public record.